UN Approved, Rectangular Tinplate Drum, Lacquer Lined, 2.5L, with Security Seal Eyelet
MOQ 378 (full pallet qty), not available singly. For singles seeUN Approved, Rectangular Tinplate Drum, Plain Inside, 2.5L, with Security Seal Eyelet
Tinplate steel containers for transport of hazardous materials, IATA Approved for air transport.
Cans are UN approved in their own right.
Price includes Seal (Bung / Plug) and Screw Cap.
This can features twin eyelets, to fasten a security seal, click below images for further information.

Can SpecifcationManufacturer Code | Unknown |
Capacity | 2.5 Litres |
Bung Size | 59 mm |
Laquer Lined | Yes |
External Width | 111mm |
External Height | 158mm (178mm inc Handle) |
UN Mark | TBC |

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